ChatGPT4 launching | Companies struggling to keep secrets from ChatGPT

🤩 ChatGPT4 to launch soon – text, video, sound, and more!

☎ AI is taking over the cold call

🤐 Companies struggling to keep corporate secrets from ChatGPT

the botified buzz

Microsoft to launch ChatGPT 4 with AI videos (digitaltrends)

Microsoft is set to launch GPT-4 as early as next week, which will allow users to create AI-generated videos from simple text prompts. The new version will be multimodal, enabling AI to translate a user’s text into images, music, and video. The technology is expected to save time and effort for call centres, as it can convert phone conversations into text. The update comes amid lingering problems with Microsoft’s AI assistant, ChatGPT.

Why ChatGPT and AI are taking over the cold call, according to Salesforce leader (CNBC)

Salesforce is launching Einstein GPT, the first generative AI CRM technology. It uses OpenAI’s advanced AI models to generate code for developers, personalized emails for salespeople, and responses for customer service representatives. Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT are changing the way companies communicate with customers. The ChatGPT craze has gone beyond tech, with many companies highlighting their AI technology efforts. Companies are looking to roll out their own generative AI-driven tool amid the surge in interest. Salesforce is ensuring that employees are not using consumer-focused chatbots.

Companies are struggling to keep corporate secrets out of ChatGPT (Axios)

Companies are concerned about the security risks posed by employees using ChatGPT, a large language model chatbot. Walmart, Amazon, and other companies have warned employees not to share confidential information in the chatbot. OpenAI changed its terms of service last week so its models no longer use user inputs by default to train amid growing concerns about privacy risks. Companies are seeking custom generative AI solutions that come with more controls than ChatGPT. However, business leaders will need to place controls on whatever generative AI tools they end up using to prevent them from sharing highly sensitive corporate data with employees who aren’t cleared to see it.

botified business: the latest AI tools to boost your bottom line


If you’ve not used Grammarly, you’re missing out. Grammarly is a digital writing assistant that uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing technology to detect and correct grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, and style issues in written content, such as emails, essays, and social media posts. It provides suggestions for improvements and offers explanations of why a particular correction is needed to help users improve their writing skills. The software can be used as a browser extension, standalone application, or integrated plugin in popular writing platforms like Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

Very soon, Grammarly is launching GrammarlyGo which will add generative AI capabilities to its already impressive suite of tools. Check out the demo video below!

botified bits: AI tips and tricks

Today, we’re going to talk about avoiding complex sentences when prompting AI. Generally speaking, the more complex your prompt, the more difficulty the AI has to interpret what you are prompting. Read on below for some great advice on ensuring your prompts get the output you are looking for!

Avoid complex sentences: Complex sentences can confuse the AI and cause it to generate content that is not related to the desired output.

Here are two examples of bad prompts and good prompts for avoiding complex sentences:

Bad prompt: “Write a paragraph about the history of the United States, including events such as the American Revolution, Civil War, and World War II.”

AI output: “The United States is a country with a rich history. It was founded on principles of freedom and democracy, and has undergone many significant events over the years. Some of the most notable events include the American Revolution, the Civil War, and World War II.”

The bad prompt is too complex and contains too much information for the AI to generate a coherent output. The AI output is vague, generic, and lacks any specific details or insights about the events. There is simply too much for the AI to comprehend when asking about 3 different wars.

Good prompt: “Write a brief overview of the American Revolution, including its causes and outcomes.”

AI output: “The American Revolution was a pivotal moment in US history, sparked by a range of factors including taxation without representation and a desire for greater political autonomy. The conflict ultimately led to the establishment of the United States as an independent nation, with a new democratic government and constitution.”

The good prompt is concise and specific, making it easier for the AI to understand what is being asked. The AI output is detailed and provides specific information about the American Revolution, including its causes and outcomes.

botified’s AI video of the day

GPT4 launch – text, speech, video, and sound capabilities?!

GPT4 is due to release anytime now. Take a look at this video for some up-to-date reporting on this topic.

botified bootcamp

Generative Art

Generative art is a form of art that is created using a computer program or algorithm to generate visual or audio output. It often involves the use of randomness or mathematical rules to create unique, unpredictable, and sometimes chaotic results.

ai language models generating random ai art

Daily, we instruct the AI to generate a random prompt to give to the MidJourney AI image generator. The results are beautiful.

This week, we are focusing on using a filter called “infrared” which gives the images a really unique and dreamy feel.

Prompt: A field of lavender at sunset: Capture the beauty of a field of lavender as the sun sets behind it. The infrared filter will give the image a dreamy, almost surreal quality.

MidJourney’s Image: