Do employees trust AI? AI Brainstorming Techniques

This post explores the concept of trust in AI and how to brainstorm effective AI solutions. It reveals that AI can increase trust if designed to be transparent, secure, and focused on outcomes pertinent to its users. Additionally, it suggests three brainstorming techniques to craft effective AI solutions: focus on user-experience, evaluate the existing process, and identify areas of automation.

šŸ¤Do employees trust AI?šŸ¤”AI brainstorming techniquesšŸ’°A major bank has banned ChatGPT

āš”botified buzz

top AI trends and news served in byte-sized easily consumable chunks.

Level AI Introduces the Future of Customer Service With Generative AI Solution, AgentGPT

Level AI, a leader in advanced conversation intelligence solutions for the contact center, announced a game-changing generative AI product called AgentGPT. AgentGPT builds on Level AIā€™s existing conversational intelligence product suite for the contact center.

KPMG Global Study Confirms Trusting AI Remains A Major Employee Confidence Gap

KPMG and The University of Queensland recently released a global study of over 17,000 people in 17 countries. Major finding is that only 50 percent of the 17,000 respondents trust AI. Developing corporate purpose for effective AI governance is key to increase employee trust in AI.

A major bank has banned ChatGPTā€”should your company follow suit?

Finance and artificial intelligence arenā€™t like oil and water. There are areas where the two mix, like expense reporting. But when it comes to generative-A.I. applications such as OpenAIā€™s ChatGPT, a financial institution is taking a pass.

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Textio has developed the worldā€™s most advanced workplace language guidance, so you can see where social bias is hidingā€”and know exactly how to fix it. Now available for both recruiting and performance management.

šŸ¤–botified bits

byte-sized content, tips, tricks, and info related to AI

Prompt idea of the day: Good prompting technique is all about specificity and context in the prompt. One technique is to ask the AI to pretend it is something different than just a language model.

If you are looking for information on how to train a 3-month old Corgi to advise a client who asked, you could ask it something like this:

Basic prompt: “Write about how to house train a dog.”

This will get you most of the way there, but you’ll still have to draft the email.

Better prompt: “As a professional dog trainer, write an email to a client who has a new 3-month-old Corgi about the activities they should do to house train their puppy.”

The results between the two will be completely different.

ā–¶ļøbotified vids

curated video content of the latest and greatest AI-related videos.

AI has come to your Notion workspace.

šŸ“ˆbotified business

practical use for leveraging AI to create a more botified business.

One strength of AI language models is its ability to quickly brainstorm topics. At times, we can find ourselves in brainstorm sessions where the ideas just aren’t flowing. Ask the AI for help. It can come up with a seemingly unlimited set of ideas.

For example, let’s pretend you are brainstorming ad copy ideas that can help generate more click-thrus to your website.

Prompt: Act as a professional Google Ads copywriter. My business is about dog training. We offer classes daily with high-quality dog trainers. Generate 3 ad copy ideas in the style of Google ads. Keep the limitations of the ads within Google’s ad character limits.

AI response:

Ad Copy Idea #1:
Unleash Your Dog’s Potential! Get Professional Dog Training Today. Experienced Trainers. Affordable Classes. Start Now.

Ad Copy Idea #2:
Train Your Dog Today! Professional Trainers. No Obedience Issue Too Big. Learn The Techniques.

Ad Copy Idea #3:
Give Your Dog A Happy Future! Find Dog Training Today. Expert Trainers. Easy & Affordable Classes. Start Now.

šŸ”¤botified basics

a daily dose of AI education for those new to the technology.

Question: What is machine learning and how is it different than AI?

Answer: Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses computers to learn from data and then use that knowledge to make decisions. It’s different from AI in that it does not use a set of programmed instructions to make decisions, but instead uses data to teach itself to make better decisions over time. Think of it like a game of chess. AI would use a set of instructions that it was programmed with, while Machine Learning would get better at the game by analyzing past games and trying different moves.

šŸŽØai language models generating random ai art

Daily, we instruct the AI to generate a random prompt to give to the MidJourney AI image generator. The results are beautiful.

Today’s AI prompt: Give me a crazy prompt that I can supply to midjourney. Make this an image no one has ever seen. It is wild, interesting, and includes a mysterious output.

AI Output:

A dark stormy night illuminated by a diffuse, eerie light radiates from a mysterious ship sailing slowly across the horizon. The surrounding atmosphere is clouded by a surreal mist that slowly reveals a bizarre collection of creatures and objects. There is a strange energy in the air that only heightens the exoticness of the scene.

MidJourney’s Image: