Meta’s AI | AI sentiment | AI as a devil’s advocate

In this edition, we dive into the world of AI! Take a look at Meta's AI LLM LlaMA, a tool to transcribe your meetings. Discover its capacity to understand sentiment, plus ten other great AI tools. But that's not all – find out how AI can act as a devil's advocate and get inspired with a beautiful MidJourney image.

🤷‍♂️Was Meta late to the game?✍This AI to transcribes meetings👎AI bots disagree with your best ideas

botified buzz

top AI trends and news served in byte-sized easily consumable chunks.

Meta has a new machine learning language model to remind you it does AI too

Meta is releasing a new large language model (LLM) it calls LLaMA as the artificial intelligence race heats up with competition from companies like Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI.

Baidu says its alternative to ChatGPT is coming to the public in March

Chinese tech giant Baidu said Wednesday its artificial intelligence product Ernie bot is set to open to the public next month.

How Will AI Change Business? 5 Questions to Ponder.

Philosophical matters emerge as the paradigm shifts to creative tasks from automation. Will AI replace creative professional? Is AI moving too fast? How will AI ultimately affect human lives?

🌟 botified breakthrus

the latest tools to help you or your business become more botified.

Automatically record and transcribe meetings:

  • Transcribe meetings across several video-conferencing apps, dialers, and audio files.
  • Easily invite Notetaker to meetings on your calendar.
  • Fireflies captures video + audio, and generates transcripts in minutes.
  • Integrates with apps like Google Meet, Zoom, Teams Webex, Ringcentral, Aircall and other platforms.

🤖botified bits

byte-sized content, tips, tricks, and info related to AI

Prompt idea of the day: Sentiment. AI is really good at understanding the sentiment. Check out the exchange below.

AI Prompt:

I will give you 3 sentences. Please classify each sentence based on the sentiment. You will either answer “positive”, “negative”, or “neutral”. The sentence is “neutral” when it is neither “positive” or “negative”.

1. “This has been the best day of my life, even though some things didn’t go right, it’s still alright.”
2. “This has been the best day of my life, but then everything went really bad and I am not okay now.”
3. “This has been another day in my life, I bought some groceries and got some work done.”

Repeat the sentence in your answer and add the sentiment at the end.

AI Response:

  1. This has been the best day of my life, even though some things didn’t go right, it’s still alright. Positive
  2. This has been the best day of my life, but then everything went really bad and I am not okay now. Negative
  3. This has been another day in my life, I bought some groceries and got some work done. Neutral

Try it out! This has so many practical applications in business.

▶️botified vids

curated video content of the latest and greatest AI-related videos.

Top 10 AI Tools Like ChatGPT You Must Try in 2023

📈botified business

practical use for leveraging AI to create a more botified business.

Have a ton of ideas, but not sure which idea has merit? One of the exercises we frequently do is a trade-off analysis to help us determine what the pros and cons will be of a decision.

Run them by the AI!

Let’s start by asking ChatGPT the top ideas for making money and ask it to be a devils advocate and explain why it would disagree.

Prompt: What are the top ideas to make money in 2023? After each idea, be a devils advocate and explain why you would disagree with this approach to making money.


1. Investing in Cryptocurrency – Investing in cryptocurrency can be a great way to make money in 2023. Cryptocurrency is still new, and is expected to increase in value over the next few years.

Devil’s Advocate: Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile asset, and its value can fluctuate greatly, potentially leading to significant losses. It is important to be prepared and informed before investing in any asset, particularly when it is a new and risky asset like cryptocurrency.

2. Open an Online Store – Opening an online store can be a profitable way to make money in 2023. With so many people shopping online, you can offer a unique product or service and tap into a lucrative market.

Devil’s Advocate: Starting an online store requires a significant amount of time and effort, and there is no guarantee that it will be profitable. Additionally, if you don’t manage your store correctly, you may end up spending more money than you make, leading to a net loss.

3. Investing in Real Estate – Investing in real estate can be a great way to make money in 2023. The real estate market is expected to be stable, and there are many opportunities to invest successfully in this sector.

Devil’s Advocate: Investing in real estate can be risky and expensive. It requires a large amount of money upfront, and if the market takes a downturn, you could be stuck with a depreciated asset. Additionally, it takes time and experience to successfully invest in real estate, so it may not be the best option for those who are unfamiliar with the market.

As you can see, the AI models are really good at helping you think through the pros and cons of an idea (in this case, investing). There are so many applications to this in business. Think of ways you could use this in your business.

🔤botified basics

a daily dose of AI education for those new to the technology.

One interesting thing about Artificial Intelligence (AI) is its ability to generate autonomous agents. Autonomous agents are a type of AI technology which enable a computer to act independently and make decisions without the need to explicitly program it. These agents are able to operate on their own and adapt to changing environments and situations, in order to achieve an effective solution.

A practical use case for creating autonomous agents would be a voice assistant system, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home. The autonomous agents would be able to interpret the user’s requests and produce the appropriate response, all without any explicit programming. This would allow for a much more natural conversational interface, as the system wouldn’t need to be scripted in advance. It would learn from the user’s input and be able to adapt and produce a more personalized experience.

🎨ai language models generating random ai art

Daily, we instruct the AI to generate a random prompt to give to the MidJourney AI image generator. The results are beautiful.

Today’s AI prompt: Give me a crazy prompt that I can supply to midjourney. Make this an image no one has ever seen. It is wild, interesting, and includes a mysterious output.

AI Output:

An abandoned space shuttle sits stranded on a rocky beach flanked by an eerie fog on one side, and glowing, electric blue mountains on the other. A strange contraption hangs from the shuttle’s side, emitting an unexplained energy and light.

MidJourney’s Image: