Microsoft and Google race for AI | A text-to-video tool with human AI

Microsoft and Google's race to bring generative AI to the office, Google's announcement of new generative AI tools across Workspace, and Google Bard, an AI-powered chatbot tool. The newsletter also features Synthesia, an AI-based video creator.

🏃‍♂️ Microsoft and Google race to bring AI to the office

▶️ Google AI for Workspace demo (2min video)

🎭 A text-to-video tool with human-like AI actors

the botified buzz

Microsoft, Google race to bring generative AI to the office (Axios)

Microsoft and Google are both launching new tools to allow businesses to use generative AI in conjunction with their proprietary data. However, some worry that peer pressure is prompting companies to rush deployment of an unproven technology replete with risks and unknowns. Companies large and small are rushing to integrate generative AI in their products. Salesforce, for example, announced plans to incorporate such tools throughout its customer relationship software and to partner with OpenAI to bring ChatGPT to Slack. However, companies need to take adequate steps to address serious issues around safety, privacy, and equity related to the technology.

Gmail will write your emails for you. Google announces generative AI tools across Workspace (Fast Company)

Google has announced it will be adding new generative AI tools to its Workspace productivity products, with the new features set to be the biggest change to the suite since the addition of collaboration tools. The company says the AI will allow users to type a topic they want to write about and instantly generate a draft which can then be edited and personalized. The search giant also announced it will add generative AI tools to other Workspace apps, including Slides, Sheets, Meet, and Chat. The company will provide a limited set of trusted testers with the new features in the coming weeks.

Google Bard (TechTarget)

Google Bard is an AI-powered chatbot tool that simulates human conversations. It uses natural language processing and machine learning to provide realistic responses to user questions. Bard is built on Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) technology and is designed to make search more natural and helpful. The initial version of Bard uses a lighter-model version of LaMDA that requires less computing horsepower to scale to more concurrent users. Bard is available in a limited preview to a select group of Google beta testers. Several competitors, such as ChatSonic, Jasper Chat, YouChat, and NeevaAI are also offering AI chatbot services.

botified business: the latest AI tools to boost your bottom line


Synthesia is an AI-based video creator that employs powerful natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to produce high-quality videos from text in over 50 languages without needing actors, cameras, or microphones. Check out the demo’s they have on the site. Do you think they sound and look real?

botified bits: AI tips and tricks

Prompting tip of the day:

Provide an example of one’s writing style to give to the AI to give it context about tone. Below is an obvious example.

First Prompt: Please write a short paragraph in the style of William Shakespeare about the beauty of nature. Here is an excerpt of his writing and tone:

“I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”

Second Prompt: Using the writing style provided in the previous prompt, write a few sentences on the capabilities of ChatGPT.

AI Response:

“Oh, wondrous ChatGPT! A marvel of our age, whose capabilities are beyond compare. Its algorithms doth weave together words and phrases with expertise, crafting eloquent responses to queries great and small. Its neural network doth grow ever more adept, learning from every word and phrase that passes through its circuits. Verily, ChatGPT is a wonder to behold, and a testament to the limitless potential of technology.”

botified’s AI video of the day

ICYMI: Google AI for Workspace Quick Demo (2 min)

If you weren’t aware, Google announced that they were opening up Google Workspace, a cloud-based productivity suite that includes email, calendar, document editing, and collaboration tools, to be powered by AI assistants.

This video is a short one, but has some cool visuals to give you an idea.

botified bootcamp

In case you were wondering, GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer“. It is a type of language model developed by OpenAI that uses deep learning to generate natural language text. GPT models have been used for a wide range of tasks, including language translation, text completion, and question answering.

ai language models generating random ai art

Daily, we instruct the AI to generate a random prompt to give to the MidJourney AI image generator. The results are beautiful.

This week, we are focusing on using a filter called “infrared” which gives the images a really unique and dreamy feel.

Prompt: A group of friends on a beach: Capture a group of friends playing on a beach, with the waves crashing behind them. The infrared filter will give the image a warm and nostalgic feel.

MidJourney’s Image: