Microsoft launches AI copilot | HubSpot launches new AI tools

Microsoft launches an AI copilot for the CRM that will help answer questions, create email summaries, and automate various business tasks. HubSpot launches a new AI tool. Goda Go provides practical AI prompting advice.

👨‍✈️ Microsoft launches AI copilot for their CRM.

😏 Goda Go shows you how to get AI to constructively criticize you (video).

📣 HubSpot launches new AI tools.

botified buzz

Microsoft Launches AI-Incorporated Business Tool

Microsoft has launched Dynamics 365 Copilot, an AI tool that can automate various business tasks, such as writing email responses, drafting answers to questions, and creating email summaries of Teams meetings. The tool is in preview in Dynamics 365 applications and Microsoft Viva Sales and uses generative AI to automate tedious tasks and unlock the full creativity of the workforce.

Microsoft is hosting an event on LinkedIn with Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO & Jared Spataro, Vice President of Modern Work and Business Applications on March 16th at 8 AM PT: The Future of Work: Reinventing Productivity with AI

Working Smarter, Not Harder: HubSpot CRM Introduces New AI-Powered Tools to Boost Productivity and Save Time

HubSpot has launched two new AI-powered tools, content assistant and, to help its customers save time while creating better connections with their audiences. The content assistant can suggest blog titles, generate a complete blog post outline, and write content for various marketing materials. helps users complete tasks using a natural language chat-based user experience.

How AI can help find new employees

Southwest Airlines and other companies are using AI-based tools for talent acquisition to identify potential candidates, schedule interviews, and save time. AI-based recruitment platforms can find diverse talent pools and match skills more accurately. According to a study by Forrester, automated recruiting platforms can save hiring managers and recruiters time and money, with a 449% ROI over three years. However, there are concerns about unintentional biases in chatbots and the need for human interaction in the hiring process.

🌟 botified business


Descript makes audio/video editing effortless thanks to its AI tools like Overdub, free voice models, and a high quality stock voice library. These tools allow for ultra-realistic voice cloning, making mid-sentence changes to real recordings, creating multiple voices, and even a 44.1KHz broadcast quality speech synthesizer with live Overdubing. With Descript, you can also easily transcribe, screen record, publish and even share with your most trusted collaborators, all with the assurance of privacy first features.

🤖botified bits

AI large language model tip of the day:

Fine-tune the model: Fine-tuning a large language model on specific tasks or domains can greatly improve its ability to generate relevant and accurate responses. By fine-tuning the model on a specific task or domain, you can provide it with the necessary context and knowledge to generate more targeted and effective responses.

Prompt: “Generate headlines for a tech news website.”

Fine-tuning: Fine-tune the large language model on a dataset of tech news articles and headlines to help it better understand the domain-specific language and jargon used in the tech industry. This can help the model generate more accurate and engaging headlines that appeal to the target audience.

Prompt: “Write product descriptions for a furniture retailer.”

Fine-tuning: Fine-tune the large language model on a dataset of furniture product descriptions to help it better understand the features, materials, and styles that are common in the furniture industry. This can help the model generate more accurate and informative product descriptions that are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the retailer’s customers.

▶️botified vids

This Will Make You Better than 99% ChatGPT Users

This video from Goda Go has some really practical prompting advice for ChatGPT. Check her out and be sure to like & subscribe to this creator’s channel!

🔤botified basics

Today’s AI terminology:

Autoencoders: Unsupervised machine learning algorithm used for data compression and feature learning. For example, an autoencoder could be used to compress an image into a smaller size and then reconstruct it with the least possible loss of information, resulting in faster image processing and storage.

🎨ai language models generating random ai art

Daily, we instruct the AI to generate a random prompt to give to the MidJourney AI image generator. The results are beautiful.

LLM Prompt: A traveler standing at an airport or train station, surrounded by people and luggage, feeling the anticipation and excitement of their upcoming adventure.

MidJourney’s Image: