Musk’s prediction about AI threat | A system to create bulk content

Elon Musk calls for urgent action to address the emerging threat of Artificial Intelligence. Discover an amazing AI tool that helps podcasters create content faster and smarter. Our Prompt Tip of the Day: How to provide context to fully maximize your written content. Learn how to quickly and easily create bulk content using Canva and AI.

⚫ Musk believes the AI singularity is imminent.

✍ A tool to transcribe podcasts & show notes.

📚 A system to bulk-create content using AI.

botified buzz

Elon Musk Calls for Action Against an Imminent AI Threat

Tesla’s CEO says recent breakthroughs in AI have brought us closer to the singularity, a time when machines are smarter than humans.

AI Image Generators: An Emerging Cybersecurity Threat

Pictures made by artificial intelligence seem like good fun, but they can be a serious security danger too. Check out how

As AI booms, lawmakers struggle to understand the technology

Tech innovations are again racing ahead of government’s ability to regulate them, lawmakers and artificial intelligence experts say.

🌟 botified business

Tool of the day:


For you podcasters out there, generating detailed show notes and transcripts can take hours. Deciphr’s AI tool can cut down the time investment by transforming your transcript or audio file into detailed timestamps in a matter of minutes.

🤖botified bits

Prompting tip of the day:

Provide context: When giving a prompt to a large language model, it’s important to provide context that helps the model understand the task at hand. This can include providing relevant background information, specifying the task or goal of the prompt, or including relevant keywords or phrases that the model can use to guide its response.


Prompt: “Write a short story about a dog.”

Context: “You are writing a creative story for a children’s book, and you want the story to be engaging and suitable for a young audience. The story should be no longer than 500 words and should include a clear beginning, middle, and end.”

Prompt: “Summarize the findings of the latest climate change report.”

Context: “You are a journalist writing an article about the latest climate change report released by the United Nations. The summary should be no longer than 500 words and should include the key findings and implications of the report, as well as any important context or background information that readers should know.”

▶️botified vids

Bulk Create Content with ChatGPT & Canva

Are you looking to revolutionize your content creating process? Automation is the answer! Buckle up and get ready to be amazed by how advanced tools like Canva and AI can transform your workflow. This is a great video – be sure to check it out!

🔤botified basics

Today’s AI terminology:

Expert Systems: Computer programs that mimic human experts in a particular domain. For example, a medical expert system could assist doctors in diagnosing diseases by asking relevant questions and providing potential diagnoses based on the patient’s symptoms.

🎨ai language models generating random ai art

Daily, we instruct the AI to generate a random prompt to give to the MidJourney AI image generator. The results are beautiful.

LLM Prompt: A bird’s-eye view of a winding road surrounded by mountains and trees, with a car or bike in the foreground.

MidJourney’s Image: