AI bots will fire you | AI prompting | Tom Bilyeu’s guide video

🔥You will be fired by an AI bot soon 🧠 how to improve your AI prompting 🏃🏾‍♀️ Tom Bilyeu’s guide to getting ahead with AI

botified buzz

top AI trends and news served in byte-sized easily consumable chunks.

AI is helping your company decide who to lay off

A new report reveals that companies are increasingly relying on AI and data to make decisions resulting in layoffs. This trend is impacting the workforce and has ethical implications that need to be taken into account. The report also looks at the potential economic impact of these trends, as well as the need for companies to adjust to the changing landscape. With the rise of AI and data, it is important to consider the implications of these technologies on the future of work.

6 Ways Business Leaders Should Integrate ChatGPT

Learn how business leaders can best integrate ChatGPT into their workflow. This article from Forbes Coaches Council provides six ways to use AI and natural language processing to increase efficiency, improve customer service and make better decisions. Discover how AI can help you streamline processes, create more targeted campaigns and offer personalized experiences to customers.

Can A.I. solve expense reports?

Businesses are turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help them save time and money while increasing accuracy and compliance in their expense report processing. Discover how AI-powered solutions can automate tedious tasks such as verifying receipts, coding expenses, and flagging suspicious expenses, and learn how this technology can benefit your business. Read this article from Fortune to learn more.

🌟 botified breakthrus

the latest tools to help you or your business become more botified.

NeuralText – AI writing assistant

NeuralText is an AI-powered text generation tool that helps you quickly create engaging content. It uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG) technologies to automatically generate text based on user-defined inputs, such as keywords and topics. NeuralText’s AI-powered generator can generate content in seconds and is capable of producing high-quality, natural-sounding text that is tailored to your needs. Additionally, it can suggest related topics and keywords to help you create the most engaging content possible. With NeuralText, you can quickly create content that is informative, accurate, and engaging.

🤖botified bits

byte-sized content, tips, tricks, and info related to AI

When prompting in AI, it is important to provide necessary context. AI is no different than humans in the sense that we require context to understand how to respond.

Think about it. You could ask the AI NLP engine to “Write about productivity.” This will give you a rather vague and high-level response about productivity.

A better prompt would be: “Write a blog post about the importance of productivity for small businesses.” 

As you can see, this prompt is more specific and will yield an entirely different response.

You can take it even further and ask a question like: “Write a blog post about the importance of productivity for a small business. The small business is a boutique marketing firm with 10 employees.”

I think you get the point. Offering better context to the AI NLP engine will yield superior results.

▶️botified vids

Use AI to get ahead while others panic (PREPARE NOW)

AI is going to obliterate your job. And that’s fantastic news. It will finally free you up to make real money. If you don’t panic, that is. Most people are going to panic. Don’t let that be you. Stick with me. I’ll explain.

📈botified business

practical use for leveraging AI to create a more botified business.

AI can take the hassle out of creating newsletters for your prospects, customers, and partners. It can automatically source content from online sources, select the articles most relevant to your recipients, and even learn their preferences over time. All this, with no manual effort required on your part. Contact us if you are interested in learning more about this.

🔤botified basics

a daily dose of AI education for those new to the technology.

What is Natural Language Processing?

Natural language processing sounds like an intimidating phrase – but at its most basic level:

NLP is like teaching a computer how to understand what people say or write. By teaching the computer how to use words, it can help understand what people are trying to say and why they are saying it. It’s like teaching a robot how to speak in a way that people can understand.

🎨ai language models generating random ai art

Daily, we instruct the AI to generate a random prompt to give to the MidJourney AI image generator. The results are beautiful.

Today’s instruction: Give me a midjourney image prompt that is something no one has ever seen. The most creative and random idea you have to offer. Include whether this is a drawing, photorealstic, anime, etc. What style of painter should it include?

Today’s prompt: A floating portrait of a woman’s face in a surreal environment, painted in a post-impressionistic style. The environment is devoid of any recognizable objects, instead composed of swirling, ethereal colors and shapes that shift and move in the background. The woman’s face is stoic and expressionless, but somehow still conveys a powerful emotion.

MidJourney’s Image: